Short Band Bios for Noise Pop 2010

These biographies were written for Noise Pop 2010's festival brochure. I like these because they are a little more creative than the average technical and professional writing piece, yet still 'sell' something (in this case it's meant to persuade a reader why they should go see a particular show).

The Young Prisms are a group of friends making laid-back psych garage music in the foggy Outer Mission district of San Francisco. When you listen to the five piece, or see them live if you're lucky, you can imagine them going to the beach together, drinking beer (or perhaps consuming other, less legal intoxicants) together and making music together- putting on some My Bloody Valentine or Sonic Youth records for inspiration. They blend female vocals (with the guys pitching in too) with all the necessary ingredients for a fun show: rock, roll, and a whole lot of young fun.

The Sandwitches, a three piece out of the Bay Area, are bringing fun back with their girly rock and roll tunes. Sounding like a slightly punker cousin of Whispertown 2000, these rockers make great use out of simple bass-guitar-drums and enough ooh la las to go around. The Sandwitches make songs that anyone can get down with, from their down-tempo songs about love, "Mary Me," to the more happy garage pop anthems like "Back to the Sea." It would be hard not to have a little party in the audience when seeing these girls.

Child star turned indie rock goddess? A career path any girl would love, and a route that has proven successful more than once. Best Coast is the lo-fi surf rock love songs (full of hand claps and requisite ooh la las) of Bethany Consentino. Bethany moved away from her homeland of California to New York for college, and came back after only a short time - without a degree, but with tons of inspiration for this collection of catchy pop tunes. The songs are instantly familiar to any California girl [The Sun Was High (So Was I)], and instantly loveable to just about anyone else ["We've been friends for a long, long time, and I don't know how to make you mine"]. Fans of surf pop, garage, and girl groups will love this band.